I’m almost a year behind on getting this posted but better late than never right? 🙂 2022 was the year of Narnia for Avery who…
I’m almost a year behind on getting this posted but better late than never right? 🙂 2022 was the year of Narnia for Avery who…
This year we did another combined birthday party and the theme was–Star Wars! The kids recently finished the whole Star Wars series so of course…
Typically we are in the middle of a birthday party marathon right now with Avery’s birthday being April 18th and Elias’ birthday on May 17th,…
Avery turned 7 on April 18th and since we couldn’t have the party with all our family and friends like we had planned originally, I…
After six years of successfully avoiding anything character themed, I finally had to put aside my own preferences and give one of my kids what…
Another year, another party and this one seemed like it came around fast! Avery turned the big SIX and her chosen theme was mermaid! Luckily…
There was no wondering what the theme would be this year for Eli’s 3rd birthday party–CARS! He is obsessed, particularly with the Cars cars…Lightening…
We recently celebrated Avery’s 5th birthday party and I wanted to share a few pics of the festivities. I went super simple this year especially…
Believe it or not, I have ANOTHER kid…who I’ve never blogged about. 😀 Until now! I’m still in the process of digging up his first…
Since birthday parties are rolling around again, I thought I’d finally get around to posting LAST year’s birthday party pictures. I’m so on top of…