I’ll bet you didn’t know you could paint your walls with food, did ya? Well, I didn’t either until a friend recently told me she had read about it in a magazine. Sure enough there is a company called Anna Sova that is making specially formulated “food” paint. The ingredients are the same ones found in milkshakes, powdered donuts and chocolate.
The paint is supposed to be free of the many dangerous chemicals that are found in a typical can of paint and is instead made up of more healthy food ingredients. Not only that, it also makes your walls smell like a vanilla milkshake! Which I think is divine, but Jeremy says it’s gross. Whatever. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you’re like my husband) the aroma fades after several days.
The foodie paint comes with quiet the price tag however. At nearly $70 per gallon, yours walls should not only smell like a vanilla milkshake FOREVER, you should be able to LICK your walls and TASTE a milkshake. Now that would be awesome…but also gross. Yeah, never mind.
So what do you think? Cool? Weird? Delicious? Hmmm?