Happy July 4th! How are you celebrating today? We have zero plans today (except staying inside in the air conditioning!) and then we’re heading to a get-together our church is putting on with bbq, games for kids and of course, fireworks! I will say fireworks are making me extremely nervous this year with the dry conditions and potential for fire but I’m just gonna try to relax and not freak out and tackle every little kid I see with a sparkler too near to grass. Hopefully I’ve done enough preaching to all my friends and family on Facebook. I’m sure they just loooooove me and my paranoid ways right now. Oh well!
Anyway, onto a more pleasant topic: CAKE. I love cake…cheesecake, ice cream cake, cake-cake, cupcakes, cheesecake-cakes…you get the point. And these patriotic cakes are perfect for July 4th, whether you’re celebrating today or this weekend.
Have a safe and fun holiday!
Red, White and Blue Sprinkles Cake