Ok, here it is, Alexandria Cupcake, the last place we stopped at on our whirlwind DC cupcake tour! And thank God it was the last one…I don’t think I could have taken much more.
But things ended on a high note because this place was AWESOME. Located in Old Town Alexandria, it was in a super tiny little space that was very basic and no frills (as you can see from the pics) with only one tiny table and two tiny chairs, but it was by far our FAVORITE place we tried out of the four. These people totally know how to do cupcakes…the cake was super moist and perfect texture and the buttercream was exactly that…BUTTERcream. It was so silky smooth and delicious…holy cow, I could have just eaten the frosting. And nothing artificial was used to flavor these cupcakes, which I could really appreciate!

We chose 3 different kinds and somehow managed to eat every last bite of them. You know a cupcake is good when after eating a dozen plus cupcakes, you somehow manage to find room for three more–thank God we were sharing!!

Well, that’s a wrap of my DC cupcake binge. HAH. Hope you all enjoyed reading and found some new cupcake places to visit next time your in the DC area. And if you know of any I didn’t get to, I’d love to hear about them!